Wednesday, October 12, 2011

~Last Taste of Summer~

I LOVE living in Iowa.  Especially in the fall.  Not so much in the winter, but every other season is wonderful.  This time of year is particularly beautiful as the trees are turning, the corn and bean fields have browned and color is everywhere.  I love seeing fields dotted with orange pumpkins and I especially love to see yellow and orange leaves laying on top of the green grass.  So pretty! 

I have been doing some deep cleaning in my kitchen the last couple of weeks.  ( I do it in shifts so I don't get burned out) and this is the view that I have out my big kitchen window above my sink.
I love having a wooded ravine for a back yard!

I also picked my random watermelons.  Yes, watermelons in the middle of October.  Talk about random! 

I had my tonsils taken out in July and my mother was here taking care of the kids while I was recovering.  While she was here she told me that we had a melon plant and a tomato plant growing in the back yard.  Our actual yard is pretty small and very shaded, so we didn't think it was possible.  Sure enough a couple of melons showed up and a third later on.  The tomato plant did produce one tomato that was then trampled by the kids. ( It's the plants fault for growing next to the swing set.)
We finally figured out that the melon plant was growing  where everyone spit out their seeds last year. 
Please excuse the yard.  Since we have never grown anything before, we got pretty excited and let the melon plant take over part of the yard. 

I have been watching the melons closely and waiting for the signs that the internet told me to watch for.  Namely when the cord dries up.  Well, today was the day!  I got the kids' wagon to collect my three melons and find out how they did. 

The little melon did not do so well.  It started later and just didn't have time to ripen.

One of the large ones did much better!

This little cutie REALLY liked it!!

What a good way to say good-bye to the warmer temps that we have been having.

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