Thursday, December 29, 2011

~Mission Organization~

    It's almost the new year...can you believe it????  I am still stuck back on Halloween.  Seriously, that was yesterday, right?  Christmas was such a blur.  That could be because our entire family had the flu, including our extended family who we so graciously shared it with.  What's Christmas without sharing, right!? 
    I've been working on my new years resolutions.  My husband and I do this every year.  We write down personal, financial and family goals and then compare our lists.  Our financial and family we talk about and then make a final list of importance for each one.  We worked really hard on them last year and got quite a few accomplished.  It helps to have the list readily available so you can continually look at it and keep yourself accountable. 
    One of my personal goals for this year is to become more organized.  With four kids and numerous activities going on at all times, I need to be organized more than ever.  Being organized means less chaos, less stress and that means..... a happy mom!!
    My first step in this process is making a "family binder".  I have seen these all over the web and think they are a great way to keep important reminders, daily chores, meal plans and so fourth in one place that I can always turn to.  I also keep a "babysitter note" that I reuse, emergency numbers, important dates to remember, seasonal cleaning chore list and of course a folder for each child to keep those all important school papers.  They no longer are piling up on my kitchen counter....they are neatly stored in the appropriate folder until they can be thrown away.  Here are a few pics of my folder and links to some amazing websites for printables and organizing ideas.  ENJOY!!!

Find these free printables at: Miss Poppins

There are TONS of amazing free printables at:Organized Home

OR...find ones that you like and create something similar
where you can personalize it to fit your needs


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