Monday, January 9, 2012

~Abort Mission~

That is how I felt on Saturday. Beaten down, defeated, Weak and weary. I had just blogged about completing my first week of one of my new year resolutions. I had left out of my post that I didn't start those daily chores until my kids went back to school on Wednesday and that I was still determined to get EVERYTHING done, so I squeezed Monday and Tuesday's chores into Wednesday and Thursday which were also days that I was gone for the majority of the day working and running some errands. WHEW! Talk about run on.... I think I do that a lot in my writing as well;)

Managing to get everything accomplished, especially on the shortened time frame, made me feel like super woman. I had cleaned, shopped, worked, made home cooked meals, ran kids to activities and so forth, and i survived! That was until yesterday. Apparently it only takes a ravine, a few extra kids, a husband in charge while I shop for more tile, and one hour. That's right, one hour to destroy my perfect house.

I might be exaggerating a bit. It was really only two bathrooms who had a confrontation with the dirt from the ravine. The dirt won by the way. The rest of the house just looked like a stuffed animal toy factory had thrown up all over. I had no idea we had so many stuffed animals. Either neighbor kids are contributing to my youngest child's obsession or Toy Story is true and the animals come to life, and breed.

As I was cleaning the bathrooms, again, I started to laugh hysterically. I hadn't really cleaned these bathrooms in a while. A quick wipe down or just the toilet in the half bath. The kids bathroom scares me so I try not to venture into it if I don't have to. I have never had this happen before. That is, until I decide to deep clean, even wash the rugs (which now have to be rewashed because my middle son got dirt all over them, then took a shower and got water all over the rug). Do you know what dirt and water make? That's's mud. How can I be mad though. Oh, I was at first, but it is just so comical. They did nothing wrong. The dirt wasn't even from their shoes. Somehow it just got on every inch of D's clothing. He said he's sorry.....I said I forgive him and God is giving me another week to clean them again.

How fortunate am I!

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