Friday, August 7, 2009

Home at last II

I did not make it the full length of camp. Part of me feels like such a failure, another part feels like, "Wow, I made it 5 days with 4 kids in a different environment all by myself" We'll just have to see which side will eventually win out.
I am dealing with an issue I have. I have troubles asking for help or accepting help. It's not that I think I can just do it on my own, it's more of the matter that I hate to burden anyone else with my responsibilities. I'm not sure if I am being prideful in these situations or not. That is the last thing I want but for some reason, if someone else is helping me with my children, or loading up my vehicle, I get extremely stressed and feel incredibly guilty. I think I need to work on this allot! My pastors wife once told me that if someone offers to do something, it means that they really want to do it and that you should take them up on there offer. How do I let go of my anxiety? How do I hand over my responsibilities, even if it will truly help me out? God is definitely working in my heart and giving me allot to think about. I know He has the answers and that I just need to close my eyes, open my heart and let Him take over.
The kids and I are really glad to be home. They slept until 9:30 the first morning home, and 8:30 the second morning. Caleb seems to have some allergy issues that came home from camp but is still his cute little self. We celebrated his 1 year birthday when we got home. What a year it has been. Full of ups and downs and full of every emotion imaginable. It was such a growing year for me, spiritually, and God continues to help me grow as a mother and a spouse. So thankful for His everlasting love and grace. That is what keeps me going day by day and hour by hour. I can't imagine living a life with no hope, nothing to keep you going. My kids do that some as does my husband, but sometimes they also bring me down. God is always there to pick me up and remind me of the gift that He gave to me that will last a lifetime.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Home at last

Wow!!! It has been such a busy two weeks and I don't see an end in sight yet. The move went great and the house is amazing but I miss my husband and just want the next two weeks to be over already. Last week Dave was busy getting the duplex ready for the new renters and he was also helping with soccer camp at our church. Made for very long days for me. I'm sure for him as well. This week he again is working on the duplex and then the kids and I leave for family camp on Saturday. Hopefully after that I will get to see him again.
I feel there is so much that needs to get done around the house and things in our lives. Still waiting on the final paperwork to get Elizabeth enrolled in her new school, figuring out what activities to enroll her in this fall and need to get blinds for the house and landscaping removed and the playground put back up. So much to do.
I do remember that things were extremely busy this time last year as well. With a new baby coming, getting the duplex ready for us, moving, getting Elizabeth enrolled in her new school. Sounds really familiar. At least I know this is the last year we will be doing the moves and the new school. God saw us through last year and I know he will see us through again. So good to have God on my side.

Friday, February 6, 2009


Someone asked my husband the other day how many years we have been married. When Dave told the man seven, the guy then told him that year seven is always the hardest. I always find it funny when people tell us things like that. I'm sure not everyone's year seven is the hardest, but it obviously must have been for this person, for them to tell us. I hope I can be an encouragement to others instead of pointing out how hard things are going to be. I want them to see how wonderful they can be. When Dave told me this the other night, we both laughed. We are truely in our best year yet. We have grown so much this last year, but it has not been an easy road to get to.
We really went through some difficult times when we first moved into our duplex. We really took on too much at once. But God was so faithful to see us through. We have learned, through everything, to lighten up a bit. Our disagreements are handled with care and we end on a light note. We don't even argue sincerely, we start joking with each other and we wrestle to get any frustrations out. All that pent up energy needs to go somewhere. Why not have fun with it instead of using it to yell at each other.
I have learned so much about Dave this past year. He is not only my husband and wonderful father to my children, he is also my best friend. We could not have done this without the love of our Savior, without the examples of love that he has given to us and without putting Him first in our marriage.