Thursday, December 30, 2010

Simplify for the new year!

Well, the itch to declutter and put things away, or even throw away has set in.  It's been a month since we put up our Christmas decorations and believe me, I thought they were gorg this year, but I'm always ready to put it away and not have so much "stuff" out anymore.  I still have alot of "stuff" out, just not as much. 
It's a sunny and warm, almost 50* here in Iowa today and it feels like I need to begin my spring cleaning.  I definitely need to do some major dusting!  The decorations are almost completely down.  Only the trees left for my husband to disassemble and pack away, and a few odds and ends that seem to have lost their home.  I don't know how I need to get, yet, another tub to store decorations in when I got rid of quite a bit of stuff.  I'm sure I didn't add THAT much this year.
As I look back at this previous year I realize how much we have accomplished as a family and myself personally.  We became debt free, except our house, only 19 years left on that one.  Thanks Dave Ramsey!!  I became even more laid back as a parent. ( I guess four kids and 8 years of parenting will do that.)  My husband and I actually agreed on things that we would like to accomplish with our house, MAJOR accomplishment!!!....and I have certainly been challenged by God.  I think our entire family has.  I always feel that its a good thing when I have a problem and I can actually feel God leading me through it with my thoughts and actions.  It makes life so much easier.
So what do I want to do in 2011???  Well, I have a new cricut and dremel and would LOVE to put those to good use, we are planning on installing hardwood floors soon, painting rooms is definitely in my future and I am so excited to follow my favorite blogs and see what awesome ideas they come up with, that I can do.  I love my diy girls!!! 
Hope you are ringing in your new year with lots of joy!   

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Special Blessings

I've had the privelege of being part of an accountability group with some other women from my church.  I have to admit that it is quite hard for me to open up in groups and let everything out although I have certainly been trying.  I have also, recently, had issues with feeling as though I have had a hardened heart.  I make the excuse that life has changed me and I am not the same person that I use to be.  Although that is partly true, it is no excuse to allow myself to harden to my own, or others situations.  That is why this group has been such a blessing to me. 
I started this group with that hardened heart.  I felt numb during the session letting things pass in one ear and out the other.  Not that I didn't care, but more like I couldn't care.  I didn't feel that it was in me anymore. 
For some reason that has suddenly changed.  The women are no longer just women, or even friends, they have become comrades in every aspect of life.  They are challenged in the same ways as I am and with the help of each other, we learn how to turn it over to Christ, how to conquer and sometimes how to just let it go.  We share very intimate information about ourselves, about our pasts knowing that we will not be judged but will be prayed for and encouraged throughout the situation.  The encouragement seems to extend past the meeting, with quick little emails, notes and phone calls as a reminder that we are never alone in our journey.
Our journeys have all had bumpy roads, slippery slopes and sometimes even dead ends where we must go back and take another road, but knowing that these women are there to help me, encourage me, and remind me that God's love never fails is such a reassurance and a definite heart softener. 
Today I wrote a heartfelt thank-you to someone.  The words were not forced but came freely and eagerly.  I no longer consider these ladies strangers, acquaintances, or even friends.  They are companions on a road that we are all traveling and striving to please God with each step we take.  Thanks ladies!

Monday, December 13, 2010

So much to do, so little time

It's been a while since I have written.  December just seems to be an out of control month, plus some disappointments that have led to me not wanting to blog.  I was planning on getting a camera on Black Friday, but in my Dave Ramsey state of mind, I decided that just buying one that was not the "one" that I really wanted, was not such a good idea and I have felt that a blog without personal photos of projects and decorating that I have accomplished is just not a good blog.   Well peeps, you are going to have to deal with it a little longer.  Once I do get that camera I think I will be posting several times a day just to catch you up on everything that really has gotten done.  The advent calendar????  Not so much, but I think I may start it after Christmas and have it ready for next year!!  Hahaha....
So this is what I have gotten accomplished so far...... The house looks absolutely amazing.  I seem to add a little to it each day.  Just little touches here and there.  OH!!!!  and the big news.... I got a cricut.  Hence the adding little touches.  Today I cut out tons of paper snowflakes and hung them in my daughters room.  It looks so cute.  Also working on some ideas for my boys room once they get there new bedding for Christmas and I can redo everything.  I finally finished my felt retro robot, got the personalized recipe box done, made a few pillows just for fun, made a personalized cape and made a dirty/clean sign for my moms dishwasher.  Whew!  I've been in overdrive for the last couple of weeks.  Combine that with Christmas concerts, work and keeping up the house, I am officially exhausted.  Fortunately I only have a few items left to complete and then I plan on starting early for next year.  Maybe I won't be in this mad rush to complete everything if I slowly work on it through the year. 
So, I hope you will still continue to follow me and wait patiently for me to get that camera.  Have a great week!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I always get very sentimental this time of year.  I really take in all that God has given me, blessed me with, the trials I have been put through, how I have grown through each one and how life just seems to get better and better.  Thanksgiving use to be just a holiday I had to get through before I could decorate for Christmas, but nine years ago that changed.  Nine years ago I married the most amazing man that exists.  Don't argue with me, it's my day and I can say that if I want :)  We didn't get married on Thanksgiving but we did decorate the church Thanksgiving evening.  Our meal to the workers was Thanksgiving dinner, go figure.  I think that was the first Thanksgiving where I realized how blessed I truly was. 

I remember the day as if it was yesterday.  We saw each other for the first time right before pictures started.  My father walked me down the aisle in the empty church auditorium as my future husband watched.  Just as if it was the real deal.  We both cried, happy tears of course, and just held each other.  I was so thankful for the man that God had saved just for me, for the man who would become the most amazing father, for the man that would do anything for me and I for him, the man who served God and would lead his family to do the same. 
When I was walked down the aisle to finally take this man as my husband, there were no tears, no fears, no jitters (except for the ones I got once I saw how many people were watching us) there was just joy and happiness.
What an amazing 9 years it has been!  Four amazing children, a beautiful house and a love that has grown deeper and more sincere than the day I married that man.  I never thought I could love him more than that day, but he has become so much more, we have become so much more together.  Those trials have helped us respect each other more and in the end see the deeper side of love.  Love is not a feeling, it is a choice.  Fortunately, Dave has made that choice very easy for me. 
I LOVE YOU!!!!  Happy Anniversary to the love of my life!

Saturday, November 20, 2010


I have been SUPER busy getting some items ready for Christmas presents.  I love making Christmas presents and I love putting my time into making it special for each person I am giving it to.  My list this year is huge.  Seriously folks, I think I might have to work on it every free moment I have and I'm thinking I still might not get done.  I have gotten two done already.  I've completed a kitchen aid mixer cover, made my own pattern and everything, and last night I just completed a little personalized recipe box to go with my daughters EASY BAKE OVEN!!!!  I'm really excited for that one, can you tell???? 
I'm hoping to get a new camera on black Friday and then will definitely post pics and let you know how I did them.  Warning:  I am no seamstress, so my way of sewing is certainly not the easiest and probably not the recommended way.  But what can I say?  I gotta do what I gotta do. 
So, only 2 maybe 3 retro robots, duvet covers and personalized pillow shams, personalized pillows, toaster cover, Bible carrier and I still need to figure out a wedding gift to make......Aaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!  As soon as my NEW CRICUT comes!!!!!!!!!  I will be ready to do some major crafting.  I had better first make a "Do not Disturb" sign to hang on the door :) 
Not sure if I will have time to blog before Thanksgiving, so Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Project Update

The warm weather has finally left and the fireplace has been going like crazy.  We are very blessed to have a gas fireplace that turns on with the push of a button, and a wood burning fireplace and since my husband taught me how to start the wood burning fireplace and even gave me permission to use it whenever I want, I have taken full advantage of the opportunity.
The advent calendar is on hold while I work on some Christmas presents.  I've tossed some ideas around in my head and thought that felt would be easier to do and also to store, but the fabric store only had two shades of green.  Neon bright or really dark.  So, I have decided to look around a little more and think about it before I make my final decision.  I also have a couple of other projects up my sleeves, so stay tuned to see what they are.
I think I might go start a fire now, so stay safe and warm and have a great evening!!!
P.S.  As soon as I get a camera, and as soon as my blog let's me, I'll get some new pictures to post.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Is it actually Novemeber in Iowa?

It's feeling like a BEAUTIFUL early summer day here in Iowa. 70's in November..... IT'S GREAT!!!!! So we have been spending lots of time outside. I did take a little time to stroll some aisles today and look for some Christmas items. Seems that working on that advent calendar has got my Christmas spirit flowing ;) Honestly, it doesn't take much for that to happen. I left the store with bunches of decorations and only one present. I'm still waiting to find the best deal that I possibly can. So I will give you a couple of clues with what the first Christmas present I bought was..... It's "easy" and it "bakes". Did you guess an Easy Bake Oven?!? I had one as a little girl and can't wait to play with it..... I mean, watch my daughter play with it. There was recently a contest where they made up recipes to make in the easy bake oven. I think I will also have to find those recipes and maybe give E her own little recipe box.

Well, I will leave you with some inspiring and gorgeous photos that celebrate autumn and Thanksgiving.  Hope you guys are feeling as thankful and blessed as I am.  Have a GREAT week!!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

New Perspective

Well, my pitty party is over.....(PTL!!!!!)  and I am now ready to conquer the world, my house, and my kids.  My family just got back last night from a relaxing and fun weekend that my husband planned.  Gotta love those:)  So I am well rested and I have lots of plans and things I want to get accomplished.  Sometimes, most times, all the time, my mind plans more than there are hours in the year.  BUT, I REALLY want to get some of these things done and hopefully I can use my time wisely and show what a super woman I can really be.
First of all I really want to revamp my blog (still working on that)  and use it as a journal where I keep track of fun things we've done, improvements to the house, crafts I've completed and delicious food I've cooked.  On the crafty side, I'm hoping that if I put it down on paper (or in this case the computer) I will actually finish the project.  So my first project is going to be to make an advent calendar.  Pottery Barn kids has an adorable one shaped as a tree...
 ....and, although I think this one is made of fabric, I am going to convince ;) my husband to cut one out of wood that I can then paint and add fabric pockets.  That's my plan at the moment, but it could always change. 
So.... as I try to figure out this entire blog world thingy and how to make it more personable, I hope to keep you all updated on "What is Happening with the Hymans".

Thursday, November 4, 2010

WHAT!!! A year has passed already???

I obviously need to be more diligent and also remember my password:(
What to say when a year has passed. Do you have all night? Probably not.... so I'll just put what's on my heart. That could take all night as well. I have been dealing with alot of emotions lately. Unfortunately happiness does not seem to be a dominating one. I don't know if it's the weather changes, stress (I'm sure this could be a key factor) or what is bringing me down. As I sit here, I want to cry for no reason at all. Feeling lost in a world where I don't belong, where people are rude and mean and think that freedom of speech means you can do and say whatever you want despite how it could affect others. At the same time, I feel as if I am trying to meet everyone's needs, please everyone and be what everyone wants me to be, and I find myself failing miserably.
Well, there is my pitty party in a small paragragh. Thanks for letting me get that out.
On a brighter note, I want to change things up a bit. Maybe blog a little more often.... Have a purpose in my blog other than just some random blabber. More thoughts on that later. Right now I think my eratic emotions are leading me to believe that more sleep is in order. Hopefully I can make it through the weekend without being put in a time-out!!!